Sunday, May 22, 2011

Day 107 - Finally Rest

Last weekend, the school didn't gave us any break, so the whole week is soooo tiring. On Saturday, finally I can sleep all I want in the morning. On that day, I tried to do some homework, but I didn't get through any of them. One reason is because the subject that I tried to do first has no homework. So one subject is down, so I take the time that I would use on that subject to do what I want. Then, I tried the other subject, but it is quite easy, so I finished it fast, and I have the rest of the day off :D On Sunday, I was half-sleeping, but my brain is already working. I go through the homework that I have for that day, and I just don't want to sleep anymore even though I am still pretty tired. I want to sleep :(

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